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See below. Please forward to any students who may be interested.ThanksPascal----- Forwarded Message -----Subject: CPES Undergraduate Poster SessionDear Summer Students,*The deadline is fast approaching! *The CPES departments will be hosting the annual CPES Undergraduate PosterSession at the beginning of August. This event is an opportunity forundergraduate students doing research over the summer with faculty in thePhysics, Chemistry, Engineering, Math, and Computer Science departments toshowcase their work in an informal setting for their peers, theirdepartments and the university community at large. This year's postersession will be held on Friday, August 5th from 10:00am - 3:00pm in theScience Complex Atrium.As a summer student in the CPES, this poster session is designedspecifically for you. It's a great opportunity to make your researchcontribution known, hone your scientific communication skills and practiceyour public speaking. We strongly encourage your participation. Asadditional enticement, refreshments and a pizza lunch will be provided.There will also be cash prizes for the best poster presentations, andjudges will be on hand to provide constructive feedback. Emphasis will beplaced on your ability to communicate understanding of your researchproblem and methodology, rather than on results, so we welcomepresentations from students at any stage of their research projects.If interested, please RSVP to by* June 30th, 2016.*This will allow us to get an accurate headcount for the event.Further, abstracts are due by July 15th! More details to come!Please include in the RSVP:1) Student First Name and Last Name2) Supervisor(s) First Name and Last Name3) DepartmentCheers,CUPS 2016 Organizing CommitteeMelissa Ignacio,ChemistryBeka Boutin, ChemistryKatrina Tait, ChemistryScott Gardner, EngineeringKathleen Songin, EngineeringYvonne Post, EngineeringErin Flannigan, PhysicsAndrew Harris, PhysicsJames Howard, PhysicsJosh Mogyoros, Physics_______________________________________________Faculty mailing listFaculty@socs.uoguelph.ca