Hi folks,
Since Dan is back in town and the IFS dev team is already meeting for the next two Tuesdays, I propose that we cancel the all-hands meetings on Wednesdays for this week and next week. I would like to have one on July 5 (before Dan leaves) so that we can all touch base again one more time with both Dan and I present. That way we know that we're all going in the same direction.
If you would like to use the standing reservation at Baker Street for either of the next two Wednesdays for a team meeting, please let me know before noon tomorrow (Tuesday). I'll cancel the reservations if no one needs the space.
IFS team I will book 312 for your Tuesday meetings.
If you would like to meet individually with me, please send me an email and I'll schedule you in. I am taking some vacation days this week (T/W/Th) but will have time on Friday or next week.