Hi everyone,
This Thursday at 6:30 we'll have our next pi-users group meeting. If you've got projects to show off, please come a little early to set up and we'll have a show-and-tell time right at 6:30. Everyone can set up, and we'll just wander around looking at the different projects.
If you want to give people a sneak preview of what you've been doing, post a message to the list and tell us about it. (you can post to the list by emailing pi-users(a)socs.uoguelph.ca)
We'll take a look at the shoot-the-fruit game and see how far people got in making mods to it and I think we'll fire up my Gert boards and see what we can do with them.
I have keyboards and monitors aplenty I think, but I'm short on mice- so if you have an extra mouse bring it with you?
See you Thursday!