If you ordered a Raspberry Pi computer, the order is in my office now. The WiFi adapters were back-ordered, but I got notice yesterday that they have shipped, so they might even be here today.
I'm in my office today until about 4:15 and most of the day tomorrow (Thursday) but not at all on Friday.
When you come with the rest of the money you owe me, please remember to include GST in your final cost (I'll pay the shipping costs, but I can't pay for GST for the entire order). For example, the $35 Pi is $39.55 with GST included. If you ordered one of everything (including the wifi) the total is $78.41. I'm happy to round numbers to the nearest dollar (up or down) so please don't bring me a bunch of exact change!
I'll send out email tomorrow about our first Pi-users group meeting (we'll have it next week).