We'll have a pi-users meeting this thursday- bring your show-and-tell items if you have them. I've got a shiny document filled with cool pi-projects that we can chat about and maybe set a goal for something we can all build over the remainder of the summer.
2) The first Ti-Cats home game is on thursday night.. so parking on campus will be a nightmare. I suggest biking or walking to the meeting. The parking announcement is below.
Campus Bulletin
Most of the parking lots in central campus will be affected during the first game played by the Hamilton Tiger-Cats in Alumni Stadium Thursday, June 20. This will be the only home game that will be held on a regular work day.
Motorists are asked to remove cars from parking lots near the University Centre and South Residences, west of the Ontario Veterinary College and along College Avenue by 4:30 p.m. Thursday. These lots -- P8, 9, 11, 17, 19, 23, 24, 30 and 31 - will be reserved for game parking that evening.
Lot P6, located north of the Powell Building, and P59, at the western end of the South Ring Rd. Extension (west of the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario), will be reserved beginning at 5 a.m. Thursday and will not be available for U of G parking all day.
Lots P48 and P49, located on Powerhouse Lane adjacent to Alumni Stadium, will be reserved beginning at 5 a.m. Wednesday, and Powerhouse Lane will also be closed. Parking and access in this area will not be available until after the game on Thursday.
Lot P7, located east of the stadium off East Ring Road, will remain closed for the entire 2013 football season.
Affected lots are highlighted on a campus map:
http://www.uoguelph.ca/img/news/ParkingLotMap.pngAll of the above lots with the exception of P7 will resume regular use after the game.
Local traffic is expected to be very congested around campus and on Gordon Street before and immediately after the game, which begins at 7 p.m. There will be signs in the area directed people to Ticat parking lots.