We had a small but enthusiastic turnout to last week's pi-users meeting.   After looking at a few in-progress projects we had a look at a list of projects that we had found online.  You can see the whole list of projects on our pi-users website.  http://pi-users.socs.uoguelph.ca

We decided that we should focus the pi-users group efforts on a project so we decided to run a robot contest something like the one described here: http://pi-users.socs.uoguelph.ca/?page_id=33     Basically you are challenged to build a robot using your pi that will propel itself down the hallway, stop when it encounters a wall, turn 180 degrees and propel itself back to the start.    You can use a battery or you can have a long extension cord.. it doesn't matter.    We'll have a 'wall' at the start position too so that its easy to tell when you are back to the beginning.  Post your progress to the list.

We'll run one set of trials before the summer is out and then we'll run another set the first week of classes so that people who are away for the summer can still build and compete.  I'll try to create some judging criteria and maybe even find a couple of small prizes.

Finally,  I'd like your help in trying out one of the enrichment activities we have designed for first year programming students.  You can see the activity at http://greebo.socs.uoguelph.ca/~bend    Please give it a go and send any comments you might have to me.

Hope to see you at the next meeting!
